The testes are paired organs located in skin sacs and isolated from each other. It produces sperm and testosterone. In addition, it produces sperm. Thus, the testes are the reproductive organs of every male.
Each egg is covered with a shell and, as a rule, one is smaller than the other. Their slight asymmetry is not a pathology, but rather a common occurrence.
They descend into the scrotum just before birth. Its shape resembles an ellipse with a length of up to 5 cm and a width of up to 3. 5. The average weight of one testicle is from 15 to 25 g, it has been shown that its volume directly depends on the place of residence and breed. The scrotum protects the testes from injury and temperature extremes. Her skin is very sensitive, as are her organs as a whole. Therefore, even a slight pain in the testicle affects the state of the whole organism: mild nausea, nervousness, dizziness, and so on.
There are times when the sharp question arises why a man's egg hurts, the causes of this symptom may be different. Pain can have a different character: aching, pulling, throbbing, shooting. And most often a man cannot say what the reason is. Unpleasant and painful sensations should not be ignored in any case.
You need to make an appointment right away. Urologists are involved in identifying the causes that cause certain types of pain. The doctor will examine and palpate the testicles to determine if there is any inflammatory disease: the presence of swelling, seals inside, signs of pain. If necessary, a complete inspection will be carried out.
Symptoms that indicate problems with the testicles:
- the presence of seals or small tumors;
- pain on palpation or change in shape and size;
- the presence of pain that is not caused by any injury;
- pain that lasts more than an hour after injury to the testicle;
- the presence of a pulling and intensifying pain;
- high temperature.
Next, we will take a closer look at why a man's egg hurts - the reasons that cause pain.
Injury. When the cause of pain is an injury received as a result of a mechanical impact. Its duration and strength is directly proportional to the severity of the impact. Minor bruises cause sharp, short-term pain.
Severe pain from a severe injury can cause shock or lead to loss of consciousness. If discomfort occurs in the testicles, pay attention to the type of pain. If it does not go away for a long time and increases, then we can assume a chronic injury. Cuts and puncture wounds are very dangerous. In this case, an ambulance is needed, otherwise there is a high probability of losing the testicle.
Twist. It is still not clear why this happens, but the consequences of such a phenomenon are so serious that it can lead to the death of the testicle. With torsion, acute pain occurs suddenly.
Blood circulation stops and the vas deferens is compressed. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor, no later than 7 hours later. As a rule, manual deposition is carried out first. If this does not help, then they resort to surgical intervention. Most often, this phenomenon occurs at a young age.

Inflammation. It can be in the epididymis (epididymitis) and in the testicle itself (orchitis). The cause of this disease is a viral and bacterial infection that is transmitted during sexual intercourse.
Epididymitis is characterized by pain on one side, which increases, swelling of the scrotum appears, urination is accompanied by pain and burning, white discharge is released from the urethra, body temperature rises, blood may be present in the semen.
Causes of the disease: prostatitis and urethritis, infection of the urethra, complications of tuberculosis. It may be acute and chronic. The duration of the initial stage lasts up to one and a half months. The inability to conceive will be the result of complications and not be treated.
With a prolonged illness for more than six months, we can talk about chronic epididymitis. This is accompanied by a decrease in general well-being, a weakening of the immune system, and inflammation of the skin sacs. With orchitis, there is an increase in the testicles, which causes pain. There is a sharp increase in temperature, pain in the groin and lower back.
The skin sac becomes smooth as it overflows with blood. The pain increases with walking or activity. Such phenomena may be the result of trauma or contact with the patient (mumps, typhoid, tripper).
Unsatisfied sexual arousal. It also causes pain. Prolonged erections lead to stagnation of blood. Most often it goes away on its own and does not require any treatment.
Hernia. Penetration of the organ from the peritoneum into the skin sac through the holes formed in it. Visually it looks like a bulge in the groin or scrotum. Causes pain, especially on palpation. As they increase, nausea and vomiting occur. It can be stated that there is a hernia violation. If surgery is not performed, necrosis with peritonitis may occur.
You can talk about prostatitis if you have any of the following symptoms:
- when urinating, you feel a strong burning sensation;
- increased effort to urinate at night;
- constant urge and feeling of fullness of urine;
- the presence of pain during ejaculation;
- the tip of the penis is the source of the pain.
Renal colic. When, as a result of urolithiasis, stones move along the urinary tract. The pain is so intense that it radiates to the scrotum. This often causes nausea and vomiting.
Varicocele. With this disease, the blood vessels in the skin sac enlarge, accompanied by the appearance of a lump around the egg and an increase in size. It does not pose a danger to men's health and does not cause much concern for the rest of his life. But with complications, it can lead to infertility. Usually observed on the left (80-98%). This is due to the fact that blood vessels from different sides flow in different ways.
Varicoceles on both sides are observed only in 2-12% of cases, and on the right - 3-8%. The cause of this disease is the poor functioning of the valves located in the blood vessels. With hard work or sports, as well as in a standing position, this leads to an increase in the ship. This is how the veins around the spermatic cord expand. Features of the anatomical location of the renal vein and superior artery can also cause such a disease.

basalt. In the shell of the testes, an accumulation of serous fluid occurs.
The result can be an injury, heart failure, damage to the lymph nodes in the groin or in the pelvis.
There is an increase in skin sacs and the occurrence of pain. It is diagnosed by a simple examination, in special cases it is necessary to perform an ultrasound. Removed during operation.
spermatocele. In the testes, empty sacs are formed, filled with spermatozoa fluid, and do not reach significant sizes. The skin pouch does not change shape, is not accompanied by pain. Can be emptied during ejaculation.
Tumor. Pain in the testicles can lead to malignant tumors. Cryptorchidism can cause such a pathology. The disease occurs at birth, when the testicles do not descend into the skin sac, but remain in the abdomen, where the temperature is much higher. As a result, tumors of various etiologies appear.
Factors that cause tumors:
- genetic predisposition;
- injury to the testicles;
- testicular underdevelopment;
- surgical intervention;
- inability to conceive.
If you have been diagnosed with a malignant tumor, do not despair. Testicular cancer detected at an early stage can be cured quite effectively. Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor immediately if you experience pain.
Painful testicles: causes in men, children and diagnostic methods

When the testicles hurt, the cause in men can be caused by various diseases typical of adults, but in children, the reasons are often simpler.
Almost all of the pain that occurs is caused either by trauma or from wearing tight underwear. In addition to pain, abrasion and irritation occur on the surface of the skin, and swelling often occurs.
Bruised testicles most often occur during active and highly mobile play, or during childish fights, the child is hit in the scrotum. Bruising also occurs when riding a vehicle such as a bicycle (unsuccessfully landing on a hard seat). On impact, pain occurs, the inner skin of the testicle is damaged, and swelling occurs. The scrotum turns purple.
rotate around the axis. In normal health, the testicles are attached to the "outside" side in the scrotum by what are called strands. In boys, it sometimes happens that the binding is weak, and therefore torsion occurs. By itself, vascular torsion is produced, which is why blood flow is first disturbed, and then it may completely stop.
There is a sharp pain, the testicle swells, tactile touch causes pain. This condition is accompanied by severe nausea and vomiting, and cannot be treated without surgical intervention. In slightly older boys, the vas deferens, which are located on either side of the testicles, can also be damaged.
Swollen testicles, one side of the scrotum, redness appears, pain is felt on palpation. Parotitis, in people with mumps, is a complication of inflammation of the testicles. After treatment with a number of hormones, the risk of infertility is significantly reduced. Other diseases - dropsy, hernia in the groin, underdevelopment of the testicles, absence of one testicle in the scrotum. Sometimes young parents think that the child does not have testicles.
They're really there, they're just not where they're supposed to be, that is, not in the right place, not in the scrotum. During fetal development, the testes are located near the kidneys. As fetuses grow and develop, they descend somewhat, and almost before birth, they descend into the scrotum. Sometimes the testicles don't descend. This phenomenon is known as cryptorchidism.
This disease does not cause any acute discomfort or discomfort, but a man who has grown up due to such a disease can have such a terrible disease as infertility. Therefore, an operation is performed (until the child reaches six years of age) - the testicles are lowered into the scrotum.
When the testicle remains in the abdominal cavity, a neoplasm may occur there. What to do to avoid irreversible consequences. How is the problem handled? How to deal with it if the testicles hurt? The causes in both men and children have been identified, now we need to find out the treatment. Initially, you will have to contact a highly specialized doctor, and undergo a series of procedures for diagnosis.
The doctor examines the patient, interrogates him, and then sends out laboratory tests:
- Blood donors.
- Urine is given.
- If there is fluid from the glans penis, a urethral swab is performed.
- Mandatory ultrasound examination of the testicles.
Treatment is prescribed by a doctor depending on what is causing the pain.
Treatment of minor wounds, as well as bruises, is carried out at home under the supervision of a doctor, therapy includes:
- Taking drugs that relieve inflammation, anesthetize.
- The scrotum is raised.
- Ice is applied to the injury site.
- If the scrotum is torn from a bruise, then blood accumulates inside, and therefore treatment is impossible without timely surgical intervention.
Epididymitis. Most often, outpatient treatment is carried out, but if the situation is extremely neglected and difficult, then hospitalization is simply necessary.
- Reception of antibacterial drugs for 14 days.
- Take medications that reduce inflammation.
- Take medicine to relieve pain.
- Perform scrotal support.
- In case of complications, there is no way to do without surgery. What complications are we talking about? In particular, about a scrotal abscess.
Inguinal hernias are treated exclusively with surgery.
If the patient agrees, then the treatment is completed on an outpatient basis, but at the same time, the hernia, which is strangulation and causes pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, must be corrected surgically.
No matter how the cause causes pain in the testicles, and therefore treatment is carried out according to prescription and under strict medical supervision and supervision. You should not be treated alone, because the consequences can be irreversible, and a person will lose a normal sex life due to stupidity, as well as the opportunity to become parents and continue their race. All diseases can be avoided.
To do this, do not forget about personal hygiene and follow simple rules:
- live a healthy lifestyle;
- eat right and balanced, follow the rules;
- be selective in sexual relations and do not forget to protect yourself;
- regular sex life is also a prevention of malignant tumors.
Check your own testicles more often. You can do this in the shower while your skin is relaxed from the warm water. Take the leather pouch in the palm of your hand, one testicle may be slightly larger, but it should weigh the same. Roll the testicle on your finger, feel it. Check them for seals. A healthy testicle is elliptical in shape, not hard, smooth to the touch, without lumps.
Do this with both testicles. Examine the spermatic cord carefully. They should be smooth and elastic. Also check both testicles. Examine the appendages on the back of the testicles. Small bumps should be soft and tender. If the disease still strikes you, do not despair and do not panic. The main thing is to establish the correct diagnosis.